A few years ago my mom brought me a gift. I was not expecting her to call me at my office and tell me to come outside.
As I opened the door, there she was in the car with her friend, Gail Jackson. In her hand was one rose in a vase. I was surprised and greatly blessed when I read the card inside. It said,” You are so loved and appreciated- Give me my flowers while I live.” Yes, I was smiling from ear to ear. She loved giving gifts.

That dried rose and vase are sitting in my office with several other special gifts as reminders of how blessed I am.

In front of the dried rose sits another gift from my sister, Tammy Pence. She loves giving gifts too. It’s a frame. Well, to me it is way more than just a frame. It helps document one of the best memories with my mother. On November 10, 2020, Tammy called to check on my mom, who was in the hospital. I told Tammy that the doctors were sending my mom home on hospice. She immediately said, "oh no Vince that is such sad news". I told Tammy, even though it was a sad day, God gave me and my mom one of the best gifts ever.

My mom had stopped talking, she had stopped eating and she had forgotten who I was. But, when I asked her if she was ready to go meet Jesus, my mom, with great confidence, shook her head yes. Soon the room filled with a bright red glow. I have never seen or felt anything as warm and bright as it was before. I turned to the window and saw the most beautiful sunset. I immediately opened the blinds in the hospital room and told my mom to look at the gift God had given her and me. Then I went and took this precious picture of my mom and the last sunset she would see.
Two weeks later she went home to be with the Lord, but this great God-given gift filled the room and warmed our hearts. He let me have a blessed assurance moment! He let us know that He was with us and would walk with us through the journey from life to death to a new eternal LIFE in Jesus.